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Coming soon: Mic Drop 2.0

30 September 2024

by Matt

Futurama meme image of Futurama’s Professor Farnsworth holding his hands together excitedly.Good news, everyone! Mic Drop 2.0 is coming out in October 2024!

We’ve spent our summer hard at work on the new Mic Drop, the Mac app that lets you mute and monitor your microphone on macOS. It’s a must-have for anyone who spends time in meetings in Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams, or Slack, and now it’s better than ever! 😊

We've listened your feedback over the years and made a bunch of improvements:

  • 🔔 Audio notifications
  • 🔴 New menubar icons
  • ✅ Mic Check (a better status window with live audio feedback)
  • 🎹 New keyboard shortcuts
  • 🤖 Scriptability & automations
  • ⚡️ Rapid device swapping
  • 🤐 Disable devices
  • 🌟 Improved performance & reliability

Dark status window with a microphone icon, the text “ON AIR”, “Mute” state, and “MacBook Pro Microphone” written as a device name. Next to it are two macOS settings windows of the Mic Drop app with various settings.The status window in Mic Drop 2.0 shows your live audio levels and active device. ✨

Mic Drop 2.0 will be Mac App Store only

The majority of our users have purchased Mic Drop via the App Store, and we think it’s better for users. Purchases via the App Store are simpler since there aren’t any credit cards to input or license keys to manage, and you can use Family Sharing to share your purchase.

Mic Drop was originally an upfront purchase, so users couldn’t try it out before buying. We’ve changed this 2.0.

Mic Drop will be free with a one-time in-app purchase. And of course, you get a 30 day free trial to test out the super pro features.

The App Store benefits our business too

The Mac App Store is actually beneficial for small app developers like us.

Managing two versions of Mic Drop takes away time from developing the app, and the Mac App Store version is much less effort to distribute. It’s cheaper, easier, and we actually get a better cut of the profits.

Apple’s Small Business Program means we keep 85% of every sale, so we actually get more revenue from App Store sales than direct website sales, where we keep closer to 75%. And we don’t even have to pay for bandwidth or manage updates on the App Store.

We also benefit from the network effects of being in the App Store, which is especially helpful as a small business with a super grassroots marketing approach.

Mic Drop has been featured on the front page of the App Store. That kind of reach elsewhere would demand a lot of advertising dollars that we can’t really justify spending!

Screenshot of the Mac App Store with Mic Drop featured by Apple.

The vast majority of our users have purchased Mic Drop through the Mac App Store. Simplifying our distribution channels allows us to invest more time in making Mic Drop the best app you’ve ever installed on your Mac. 😊

What if I bought Mic Drop from your website?

If you want the new version, you’ll need to buy a copy from the Mac App Store.

Once we release the new version, Mac App Store users will get the upgrade for free. Unfortunately, there’s no way we can migrate users from the standalone version to the App Store version.

What if I don’t want to upgrade?

That’s okay! You can still use Mic Drop 1.0 for as long as you’d like. You won’t get all the shiny new features, but we’ll release bug and security fixes as needed, and the app should continue to work for basically forever.

What if I have questions?

Drop us a line: hi@getmicdrop.com. We’re always delighted to hear from you.

We’ve done our best to design an upgrade process that is as clear, fair, and future-proof as possible. We appreciate everyone who’s purchased a copy of Mic Drop over the years, and especially those of you who’ve written in with feedback and suggestions!

We really think you’re going to ❤️ this new version.

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